No cats or dogs are allowed.
As with any urban apartment building, parking is a concern. Luckily, our design allowed us 12 indoor parking spaces, and another 55 in the lots around the building, plus plenty of on-street parking directly adjacent to us. We think it is about as good as you can get downtown!
The shortest lease term we offer is 12 months.
Wireless internet is included. It is shared among all units, so do not expect this to be a lightning-fast connection. It is great for simple tasks like checking emails, etc.... but don't expect to be watching movies online.
Water and sewer are included. Trash and recycling are billed by the building to the tenant at a flat rate of $35 per month
Electric utility will be through Harrisonburg Electric (540 434 5361). You will need only to transfer service into your name. The address of Sancar Flats is 28 W Rock St, Harrisonburg VA 22802. HEC will need your unit number to transfer service.
Comcast serves the building for phone/internet/cable
Telephone service (land line and DSL internet, if desired) can be obtained from Verizon.
We are 3 blocks from Court Square - by foot, about 3 minutes.
Campus is about 8 blocks away. While we don't have many undergrads living here, we do have a number of professors and grad students.